
全渠道mPOS 將任何移動設備變成 POS


Keep inventory synced in real-time everywhere you sell
Keep your business on track with sales and customer insights at your fingertips




实时同步网店、实体店、pop-up store等每个销售渠道的订单数据,掌握商品的销售、补货和退货状况,便于动态库存调配,杜绝积压或超卖等问题。

Grasp the real-time inventory status across various retail touchpoints, including online stores, physical outlets, and pop-up shops. Obtain a clear understanding of your retail operations, from sales to inventory replenishment and product returns. With Boutir’s mPOS, dynamic inventory management becomes effortless, eliminating issues like overstocking and overselling.
Boutir’s mPOS tracks customer activity across online and offline channels. With customers’ purchase history, event participation, and membership status readily accessible, you gain actionable insights into customers’ shopping preferences and consumption patterns. Mastering the secrets of selling is fail-safe.





Access sales orders across online and offline channels from a unified platform. Boutir’s mPOS auto-records every piece of data, such as procurement, stocktaking, orders, and memberships, eliminating the need for manual entry and the struggle of juggling multiple systems. Moreover, you can manage retail operations, including delivery, in-store pickup, returns and exchanges through the mPOS app.
Our smart AI automates bulk product creation by recognizing products from photos, catalogs, or spreadsheets. You can generate product pages with one snap and print product labels and QR codes with one click.


AI智能上架技术,从相片、商品目录、入货单或Excel 试算表中识别商品,批量滙入,自动生成购物连结和商品页面,一键即可列印商品二维码贴纸和标签。



Boutir supports retailers across every channel, from physical stores to online stores and social platforms. You gain complete clarity of your business as we unify your business data online and offline, and you can access every piece of data about your customers, orders, and products in one place. Exploring new retail channels has never been easier with Boutir’s AI-powered retail management solution.


Enable members to use reward points across physical and online stores easily. Sync up all promotional offers across different channels to encourage multi-channel purchases and tap into more sales opportunities.



Get the Boutir mPOS app downloaded to your smartphone or tablet to transform your mobile device into a POS. Depending on your needs, you can connect multiple hardware devices, such as a barcode scanner and receipt printer. Start retailing without boundaries, as you can easily extend your business to exhibitions, trade shows, or market fairs.


将任何流动设备变成 POS,只需将 Boutir mPOS 应用程式下载到智能手机或平板电脑即可启动使用。

Define roles and access rights for your employees to customize what content they can access and make changes to the mPOS. Team members can place orders and manage stock and inventory allocation through the mPOS concurrently, and the system records all these actions performed. Store owners can also evaluate employee performance through sales reports.


分配员工角色并自定操作权限,设置员工在 mPOS 系统内可执行的操作及可编辑的内容。并透过绩效数据,更深入了解店员的工作情况。

立即透过 mPOS 实现无缝跨渠道销售



mPOS系统已包含在掌铺 Boutir的「进阶计划」内,如果你只需要mPOS系统,我们也提供单独的mPOS计划方案。

掌舖 Boutir mPOS 与传统POS有什么区别?

传统POS系统需要搭配主机和打印机使用,一旦系统故障且无备份,将丢失所有销售数据。掌铺 Boutir 的mPOS则可以将任何流动设备变成POS,无需额外配件,并能够将线下的订单同步至网店系统。

掌舖 Boutir mPOS 需要什么配件,要额外加购吗?

无需额外购买配件,只需要在流动设备上安装掌铺 Boutir mPOS APP即可将手机或平板电脑变成POS。

掌铺 Boutir mPOS可以实时同步不同销售点的库存吗?

 是的,掌铺 Boutir mPOS可以实时同步多个销售点的库存。


中小企都可选用掌铺 Boutir mPOS为他们的零售生意提升效率。通过mPOS收单可提高信息准确度,简化销售流程,并可实时同步线下订单至网店系统,智能化管理销售流程。

我可以在掌铺 Boutir mPOS上同时管理线上线下业务或多个门店吗?

可以,掌铺 Boutir mPOS系统能够管理发货、店内取货、退换货等店务,实现线上线下全渠道实时同步,并支持同时管理多个门店。

掌舖 Boutir mPOS 需要连结打印机和收银主机吗?

掌铺 Boutir mPOS 系统可无需任何配件单独使用,亦可同时搭配额外的硬体配件,如条码素描器或收据打印机等,以满足更多的店务需要。

我可以在掌舖 Boutir mPOS 管理会员吗?

可以,用户可以在掌铺 Boutir mPOS进行会员注册、会员积分管理、会员信息导出等操作。

我的商品没有条码(barcode), 适合使用 掌舖 Boutir mPOS 吗?

你可以使用掌铺 Boutir mPOS为商品生成条码barcode 或QR Code,只需透过手机相机扫描条码或QR code,即可快速进行货品上架、盘点、收银结帐、查找订单等操作,提高工作效率。

掌舖 Boutir mPOS提供哪些支付方式?

掌铺 Boutir mPOS支持Visa、Mastercard、UnionPay、AMEX、JCB、支付宝、微信支付、Alipay HK、WeChat Pay、PayMe、Boc Pay、八达通、Apple Pay、Google Pay、Samsung Pay及现金等多种收款方式。

掌舖 Boutir mPOS是否支持创建及管理不同员工账户?

可以,用户能够透过掌铺 Boutir mPOS创建及管理多个不同的员工账户。

零售无边界 销售不受限  
你的成功 便是我们的成就


